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Saturday, May 15, 2004

First GTS

Our first group training session (GTS) was this morning! I woke up at 6:15, took a quick shower, and was out the door by 6:45. (Ah, for the days I lived on W 89th St.!) We met at the 72nd St. entrance to Central Park at 7:45. On this morning's schedule: A 30-minute out-and-back run. We were to run out for 15 minutes, then turn around and run back - which means pacing is important. I did pretty well, I think - I ran the first mile in just over 11 minutes, and covered about 2.5 miles total. I know, that's really slow, but it's pretty great for me! Note that it's *hot* today - the high is going to be in the mid-80s, and by the time we finished at around 8:50am, it was already very warm.

After the run we talked more about running technique, then did a set of core exercises.

After training I had breakfast with my mentor Sara and a few other members of the team. It's a really great group of people, and I'm very excited about the training season!


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