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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

HR Training

I don't know my maximum heart rate.

According to the chart (you know, the one on the wall at the gym with ages and a target zone), my max is 186, and I should be training between 109 and 154. Well, Sunday when I biked, my avg. HR was 162 - maybe a little high. I'm going to meet up with Walter the Nutritionist later in the week to do a max HR test. Then I can focus on training in zones based on percentage of maximum. This is how "real" endurance athletes train, and it makes a lot of sense - I expect we haven't talked about it much in TNT simply because there are so many people in the group.

The intensity of training has picked up, and will continue until we taper before race day. We're counting down - only 6 weeks to go! Eek! Lately my life has revolved around training and working. This also happens to be the most intense time at work, so I'm not sleeping as much as I should be, nor am I socializing as much as I'd like to be. The upside of all this is, I love my job, and I love training.

Tonight's swim GTS is a .75M TT. I'm going to eat well today, and during the swim I'm going to take it slow, and focus on regular breathing. I'm expecting to take 35-37min.


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