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Thursday, August 05, 2004

Before Westchester...

There will be Danbury!

That's right folks, I signed up for my first triathlon, the Danbury Try the Tri! I'm excited. Nervous, but excited. It's a short race, 500 yard swim, 12M bike, 5k run. Let's see, that should take me... :15 + 1:00 + :30 = 1:45. Plus transitions, of course.

Shari did this race in June, and says the bike course is hilly. It is. Hopefully all that training in Prospect Park will serve me well!

Speaking of which, this morning I did a BRick in PP. 4 loops biking (~14M) and a loop run (3.35M). It took about 1:40, including the transition of biking home and lugging my bike into the lobby of my building. My bike splits are still pretty uneven - over the 3 I timed this morning I had a 45 second differential between the fastest and slowest. Still need to work on that.


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