Occasion already passed!

Friday, July 30, 2004


First, training update - I did yesterday's training this morning in the form of a run around the PP loop (5k). It was very humid, and I had to walk a couple of times. Despite the walking, I still finished in 36:28. Not bad. Tonight I'm meeting Kari at Riverbank for an after-work swim.

Now, nutrition. I recently noticed that even though I'm putting lots of time and energy (and money, for that matter) into training, I haven't really changed my diet to support it. So I decided to find a nutritionist. I searched craigslist, and found Walter. Walter is a nutritionist and triathlete (in fact, he trains triathletes). We met Tuesday morning. We discussed my goals (including weight loss, and eating to support my training) and what I need to change in my diet. Before we met he had me journal what I'm eating every day for about 5 days. It was eye-opening. I'm not eating nearly enough vegetables, and I usually skip dinner and have various snacks (ranging in their degress of healthy-ness) from about 4pm onward.

Walter suggested that to lose weight, I should be eating a high-protein breakfast. I told him I stopped drinking coffee, and he asked why, because apparently coffee is a good stimulant and most athletes drink it. Woo hoo! Thank god, because I was really starting to miss the bean.

Since we met, I've been getting up earlier and eating egg whites and a latte at home for breakfast. A couple of days I also had one of those Total Greek yogurts (which taste awesome, have no fat, and 15g of protein) with blueberries. Lunch has changed to spinach salads with avocado, grilled chicken breast, green beans, tomatoes, and goat cheese. And instead of the afternoon Luna bar, I'm eating Balance bars, which are higher in protein. I'm tracking everything using FitDay.com, which is really handy.

I haven't weighed myself in about 3 weeks, so it'll be interesting to see if anything changes.


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Thanks for posting the link to FitDay.com! I've been looking for a (free) site like that. I think I came across a review of energy bars recently... If I can find the link or article, I'll send it to you.


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