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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

1/2 Mile Swim!

Yep, you read that title correctly... Two short hours ago, I finished a 1/2 mile swim! It went much better than I expected. We started practice with sculling and finger-drag drills, and at 9pm Coach Scott split us into waves for a 1/2 mile swim.

We swam the entire distance through the whole pool - that is, we swam up lane 1, down lane 2, up lane 3, etc. After swimming down lane 8, we swam up lane 7, and back to lane 1, then a final length down lane 2 for a total of 16x50m lengths.

I started out leading my wave - at least, for the first couple of lengths. I dropped back a little when I realized my form just sucked, and Scott yelled at me for not putting my face in the water to watch my hands. Right. After about 4 lengths, another girl said to me, "Hey, I've been drafting you, do you want to switch?" Rock on. Drafting is when you swim 6-12" behind the person in front of you. I'm not sure of the physics of it, but you can go the same speed with much less effort. She and I alternated for the rest of the swim, and it was great.

My time was 21.50. Which, not great, but not bad either. I'm hoping to get my total swim time to sub-40min.


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