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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I am proud of myself: Part 1

Just got home from a run GTS. Tonight's fun-filled workout: Hills! We did a warmup jog (0.2M to Daniel Webster statue), then hill repeats (0.8M to the SW corner of the reservoir and back, x2). That was followed by equally fun 0.5M up-and-overs around Strawberry Fields (sprint up, recover over, rinse and repeat). The beginner workout ended there, and the advanced Westchester team had an optional 1.7M lower loop.

Guess what?

I did the extra loop.

I know, I couldn't quite believe it either. In total I ran about 5.7M, in 1.02. Just under an 11 minute mile, on average. I felt great, even did a last little sprint at the end. That's only half a mile short of race distance. Not only that, but there are still 10 weeks of training to go!

Now I'm going to sit on the couch, watch a "Buffy," and wait for my thai delivery.


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