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Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted


Happy Canada Day, and July 4th.

I just returned from 5 days in the midwest, starting in Chicago (at David's friends Alex & Olivia's wedding) and ending in Madison, Wisconsin, where we visited my new godson Griffin (and his parents, Candace & Julian).

Training was, well, limited. There was one suburban run in Chicago, around 40 minutes of strip malls and highways. There was also a lot of red wine, and fried cheese curds & custard - not exactly conducive to any sort of athletics.

And, we're back to swimming tonight! At last week's GTS swim, we swam a .25M time trial. I did it in 10:42 - not fantastic, but definitely not horrible. My form, however, was another story, so tonight I'm going to focus on that a lot.

This week's goals:

1. Swim 2 x :10 continuous swims
2. Complete all scheduled training, including
3. 5x biking the Prospect Park loop (6 if I get really ambitious - Sunday's ride is supposed to be 1h30m!)


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