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Sunday, June 20, 2004

2nd BRick

A woman I work with gave me a 1-week pass to New York Health & Racquetball Club, so on Friday after work I went to the pool there. It's a pretty small pool (55'), but nice, and wasn't at all busy. I did about 3/4 of the prescribed workout so that I could fit it into the 30 minutes I had.

Yesterday morning we had our first GTS BRick. And, our first GTS in Prospect Park! I almost felt guilty sleeping until 7am, and I arrived at the meeting point 1/2 hour early. We biked 10 miles (3x around the park), then ran a 20 minute OAB. The goal, as always, was pacing - turn around after 10 minutes of running and make it back to the starting point in another 10 minutes. I did it! Running after biking is *hard*, but I enjoyed the practice, and I'm looking forward to more BRick sessions. Coach Ken led us in a core session afterwards, and I was home by 9:30, sweaty and happy.


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