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Thursday, June 24, 2004

Connection to the Cause

Every Saturday, before we start our GTS, we have a "Connection to the Cause" moment. One of the mentors, or honored teammates, says a few words or tells a story about his or her own experiences with blood cancers.

I don't have a personal story to share. I had a good friend in high school who was diagnosed with leukemia - she's in remission now, and we've lost touch. I signed up with Team in Training because I wanted to train (with coaches) for a triathlon, and I figured I could raise the money because my friends are a generous group (it's true, you are!). Since I've been fundraising, though, I've learned a lot about how blood cancers have touched the lives of people around me. I'm going to start sharing those stories with you, because they are what inspires me to get up at 6am and haul my bike to Central Park for a time trial. Really.


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