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Monday, July 12, 2004

Good Training Weekend

Saturday morning's GTS was a repeat of the X-Factor workout, with a bonus lower loop (1.7M). It was a workout with all the TNT teams - marathoners, triathletes, and cyclists - followed by a Connection to the Cause breakfast, at which we heard from a blood cancer doctor, as well as many survivors, some who are training with us. It was inspiring.

I had dubbed this the Weekend of Loving My Bike. When I got home on Saturday I tried to fill up the low-ish front tire. Well. I was as successful as last time I tried to do that, that is to say, I deflated it completely. When David got home I told him we had to go on a mission to Dixon's Bike Shop in the neighborhood, in search of air and instruction on using my pump. He didn't want to go, and opted to try pumping it himself. And? He did it. Yay!

On Sunday morning I woke up at 7:30am to go for a spin. I resolved to complete 5 loops of the park (16.75 miles) no matter how boring it was, or how hard the hill was. On the 5th loop, someone called out my name - it was Sarah, a girl I train with in TNT (and a fellow Brooklynite!). Great timing. We rode about the same pace, and I even did an extra loop with her (she was just starting her ride). In total I rode over 20 miles, then did an hour of yoga.

It being the WoLMB, I dropped my bike off at Dixon's for a tune-up. The guy at the shop said the bike was in really good shape, and that the previous owner had obviously taken care of it (thanks Meredith!). They'll clean it and oil it up a little, and I'll pick it up on Thursday - just in time for the BRick on Saturday.

Needless to say, when I woke up on Monday morning, I was very sore.


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