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Thursday, July 08, 2004

Is this thing on?

As far as I know, Candace and Chad are the only two people reading this blog. Hi, guys! Until a couple of days ago David didn't even know the address. Hee. Anyway, I'd be happy to taylor the content to my audience, within reason of course, so if you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see here, please post a comment!


At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm reading your weblog! I started training for a tri 2 weeks ago. Mine is the same day as yours, but it's a Sprint Tri at Jones Beach. I love reading about your progress and how you LIKE running now. I hope I get there someday! You are lucky to have a group and coaches to train with. I am doing it all solo, and using internet resources and books for advice.

Good luck, I'll be checking in!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Candace said...

Hey, just verifying that I do in fact read your blog. One handed web surfing while holding Griffin =) It was so great to see you this weekend! My only request would be an RSS feed so I could add your blog to my home page and know when there are new entries. Talk to you soon!

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Chad R West said...

Too funny... This is for everyone reading this, the only way I can keep up with everyone is by using a news reader. Currently, I am using bloglines. It's pretty nice since you can organize your feeds in folders and it supports all RSS types and ATOM...

Candace, I'm pretty sure it would make your one handed surfing a bit more efficient! :)

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Candace said...

Thanks Chad! My Yahoo supports RSS so I have most blogs I read on my home page, but it doesn't support ATOM. I tried to set up an RSS wrapper for this site using FeedBurner but it didn't work. I'll check out bloglines...



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