Occasion already passed!

Saturday, May 22, 2004


Friday is our solo swim day. I was hungover yesterday, and did nothing.

This morning I lugged my bike on the subway to Central Park for our 8am GTS. I joined the introductory group to learn more about my bike, the components and gears, and correct cycling technique. This was only my second time in clipless pedals (those are the ones that your feet clip to via cleats on the bottom of cycling shoes). I have been warned that I would fall when I first started riding with this system. The prophecy came true during a small intro ride. The good thing about the bike is, when you're going really fast, it's hard to make it fall over (centrifugal force, dontcha know). But when you stop, and your feet are clipped to the pedals, it's actually quite easy!

There wasn't much actual biking involved in the session. Fortunately, I had already planned to bike to Coney Island with some co-workers. We headed out around 1:30pm along Coney Island Avenue. The route is about 6 miles, and very industrial. It took us about 40 minutes to get there from Prospect Park. I fell once on the way there. Those damn pedals! Still, my injuries sustained to that point were minimal. On the way home we took Ocean Avenue. It's much prettier than Coney Island Ave. It does, however, still have cross-traffic. At one point I jumped the gun on a red light and narrowly missed hitting a big white van. That resulted in a good wipeout, which in turn resulted in an eggplant-coloured bruise the size of a pool ball on my ass.

I feel a little beat-up tonight, but pretty proud of myself as well!


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