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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Sad News

My friend and coworker Stephanie emailed me recently to tell me that Len lost his battle with Leukemia. He died on Tuesday July 27 at 2:30pm.

She wrote, "I just got back from Knoxville. I told his family that you will be running (and biking and swimming) for him this fall, and they wanted me to extend their appreciation to you.

"...Len asked that donations be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and to the Pete Gross House at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (it's like a Ronald McDonald House for adults being treated for cancer at the hospital there, many of whom suffer from blood cancers)."

I know how important Len was to Stephanie, and my heartfelt condolences go to her, and his family. My Westchester Tri will be dedicated to Len. Please donate now to help people like Len in the fight against cancer!


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