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Thursday, May 27, 2004

Training Schedule

Tuesday night was our second GTS run. We met at Bethesda Terrace in Central Park. The practice consisted of a 10-minute out-and-back (OAB) warm-up run, a 30-min OAB run, then a 5 minute cool-down. Yeah, 45 minutes of running seems like a lot to me too, especially for an "early" session. I ran pretty slowly, and I did walk a little, but I finished the workout. Afterwards we did a 45-minute core training session. Ouch.

Last night we had our second GTS swim. I now own a pull buoy. More drills, including sculling and kicking. The good news is, I no longer think I'm going to drown! Mostly I'm worried about breathing, and coach Earl mentioned that we'll be covering that in the next couple of sessions.

Training with a group is awesome. There are people at all different levels and ability, so it's pretty easy to find someone else to swim/bike/run with. Also, I can't believe how nice everyone is! There are a few other Brooklynites in the group, so we're going to organize some runs or bikes in Prospect Park. (It kills me to ride the subway for an hour each way on Saturday morning, when Prospect Park is ACROSS THE STREET from my apartment!)

For those who are interested, the weekly training schedule (cribbed from our coaches' email) goes like this:

Mondays are rest days. This is the day that your body recovers from the weekends physical activities. For some it will involve doing NOTHING and loving it. For others, it will be a solo or class stretch and core strength session at your gym (pilates, yoga etc).

Tuesday evening is usually a group Run.

Wednesdays are your coached Swims.

Thursdays are your optional solo workout and for the first months we ask you focus on cycling or running – choose your weaker link.

Fridays are a solo Swim day when you practice the drills that were covered at the Wednesday Swim GTS.

Saturday is a group Bike, Run or BRick.

Sundays are solo rides or runs.


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