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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Training Updates

Last night's 3/4M swim was cancelled - the pool closed because of a thunderstorm. I decided to go to Eastern Athletic (the gym to which I pay exhorbitant membership fees and don't use) to do the workout anyway. I was very curious to see how long it would take me to swim that far.

I started with a 100m warmup, then began my timer. I swam 1 mile (!) in 39 minutes. I'm thrilled with that time. I'm also realistic - that was in a 25m pool, which means pushing off the wall every 25m. As opposed to Riverbank, which is 50m, or, say, the Long Island Sound, which has no walls. The best thing though, was that my breathing was calm, I stopped and rested a couple of times when I needed to, and when I left the water, I wasn't winded or tired. Good stuff.

Friday after work I plan to swim at Riverbank, then meet with Walter to do a max HR test on the track there.

This morning, I even managed to get up and do a loop of Prospect Park! I definitely need to work on nutrition/hydration in my morning runs - I was pretty tired about 2/3 of the way through, and I think a shot of Gu would have helped significantly.

Speaking of Gu, I'm fully convinced that stuff is magic. I was exhausted last night before I even started my swim, and debated not even going, then I remembered I still had a Gu in my bag that I hadn't needed at Tuesday night's run. I ate that just before my swim, and it worked wonders for my energy level!


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