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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Another Saturday, another GTS

Hard to believe, but Westchester is only 6 weeks away. By this time on September 26, I will officially be a triathlete!

Not counting next Saturday's sprint, of course.

Yesterday we had a group BRick in Prospect Park. Coach ken was onhand to explain the workout - very straightforward, 1 warmup loop of the park, followed by 4 loops (13.4M) for beginners, or 6 (20.1M) for advanced. Then a quick transition, and 1 loop running.

I opted for the shorter distance, and had pretty even splits. During my last loop Ken rode with me for a few minutes, and instructed me to drop my heels, pick up my cadence (keep it at or above 90) and to increase my gear. On Friday night I had oiled my seat post, and I think I repositioned it slightly lower than Scott's adjustment, which is probably why my heels were still elevated. Anyway, I finished the bike with good splits, transitioned, and set off running.

At the start of the run I ate (drank?) a Gu, and gulped down a small bottle of water (that I then tossed, as I still don't like running while holding a water bottle). After about a mile, my right foot really hurt. I was wearing new running shoes that I'd purchased the day before, and they seemed to be pressing down too much on the top of my foot. I stopped and loosened the laces, but it didn't help much - I ultimately ended up alternating between running and walking for the remainder of the loop. (Despite that I finished the run portion in <35min, which works out to <10:30min/mile!)

I bought the shoes at Super Runners, which has a great reputation for returns, so I'll take them back tomorrow.

This morning I had planned to do a short ride in the park before yoga, but instead slept in. It's been rainy here (thanks to Charley), but is clear now, and if it stays like this I'll probably ride this afternoon.

For the record, here are yesterday's split times:

Lap 1: 12.53
Lap 2: 13.18
Lap 3: 13.26
Lap 4: 12.56


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