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Saturday, August 21, 2004

What I Learned

Holy cranky Batman! I was in a really bad mood after the duathlon this morning. But I did learn a few things.

1. Have an extra pair of water-friendly shoes. I only had my running and bike shoes with me today, which forced me to stand around in my wet sneaks before the race. If I'd brought a pair of flipflops, I would have been able to keep my other shoes dry until I needed them.

2. Bring extra water bottles. Lots of them. I drank all my water and Cytomax on the bike, and that got me through, but I could probably have used another liter or more after the race.

3. Eat well in the days leading up to the race. Duh.

4. Sleep well in the days leading up to the race. Also duh.

5. Bring pump on race. I know, I know. My excuse for this one is that my frame pump that fits below my crossbar always falls off when I pick up my bike. Solution? A velcro strap. Need to get one of those.

6. Bring the right food to eat before the race. Eat something high fiber before leaving the hotel room, for obvious reasons.

7. Bring a change of clothes. Also obvious, but I only had one long-sleeve shirt (my jacket) and it was soaked before I even picked up my race packet.

8. Tighten the lids on my water bottles. One of them leaked all over my backpack, which would not have been a problem except that I threw my cell phone in there. (The cell phone is drying now, and hopefully will still work!)

I'm a little discouraged, but looking forward to Westchester. I have a better idea now of what I need to accomplish in the next 5(!) weeks.


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Congratulations! We just did a practice tri, and I'm so glad I learned some of these lessons (such as bring a change of clothes, bring warm clothes, bring a towel) before the real thing. Even though you might have wanted to do better, it sounds like you did great. Go Gillian!


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