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Monday, September 06, 2004

52 Miles

I can't believe I haven't updated in 5 days! Believe me, that doesn't mean I haven't been training.

Let's see. Thursday of last week, I did a BRick in Prospect Park with the Tri Association of NYC. Amanda from TNT was also there. I had a pretty lame bike (3 loops), then did a short out-and-back. It was an OK workout.

Friday was D's birthday! Happy Birthday D!

Saturday we had an open water swim at Coney Island. Bright and early, and I do mean early. We met on the beach at 7:15, donned our wetsuits, and jumped in with the jellyfish for a :45 swim. After that we ran an hour along the boardwalk. Unfortunately my knee hurt again, so I took it easy on the run.

Yesterday, Kari, Melissa and I biked to Nyack! 52 miles and 1 flat tire (Kari's) later, we were back in the city. I don't remember ever having been so tired and so hungry! It was a great ride, and I'm looking forward to doing it again this fall.

One last bit of news: I signed up for the Danskin Women's Triathlon on Sept. 19. It's a sprint-distance tri, good for newbies, and even though it's close to Westchester, I'm eager to fit in another race this fall.

On the docket this week: 5.2M run tomorrow night, a technique swim on Wednesday, and an actual prescribed rest day on Thursday (which happily coincides with the start of football season!).


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