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Monday, August 23, 2004

Back in the Saddle

On Sunday, for the first time in weeks, I didn't set my alarm. I woke up just before 10, in time for David & I to go to yoga. The session was really nice (have I mentioned how great Jill is?). We went for post-yoga brunch and on being informed by our waitress that they didn't have wheat toast, I burst into tears. Uh, yeah. Exhaustion rears its ugly head. David was totally cool with my hysterics - he cancelled our order and let me cry it out.

I did some work from home in the afternoon, and David in all his awesomeness persuaded me to go for a bike ride, however brief. I did a few loops of the park and felt pretty good about it. We went to a friend's for dinner, and made it to bed by 11.

This morning I got up at 6:30 and went for a run in the park. It was perfect. I was smart this time and ate a Gu before I left, and was able to run 2 loops (!) of the park for a total of about 6.7M, in about 1h8min. I felt great, and I'm less discouraged than I was on Saturday.

I also have really great support. I wrote to Meredith on Saturday to get her advice, and she was great. Also, my fellow TNTers have been just awesome. There were some great emails going around today about how everyone found the race difficult. There's another local sprint on September 12, but I'm signed up that day to do the NYC Century Bike Tour (no, not 100 miles, I'll probably do 35 or 55). I may try to find another one on Labour Day weekend.


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