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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Training training and more training

Tuesday I Ferris Buellered. David stayed home, too. I mostly lazed around, did some sitting on the roof. In the afternoon I went for a bike ride (4xPP) then David came out for a run, and we did 1 loop of the park. So even though there wasn't a BRick on this week's calendar, I squeezed one in.

Last night we had a real swim workout. I learned that it is easier to swim 100m in a 25m pool than in a 50m pool. We did pool lengths: 4x50m, 3x100m, and 1x400m. I was pretty beat by the end, and I'm a little sore this morning.

Probably going to take today as a recovery day and swim again tomorrow. On Saturday we have a long BRick scheduled - 1h30m bike, followed by 30min run. Oh and the whole thing will be preceded by push ups to exhaustion, to simulate the swim. Whee!


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