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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

6.8 Miles

Last night's run GTS was very straightforward: warm-up to the reservoir, 2 or 3 loops, then cool down back to Bethesda. I vowed in the afternoon that I'd do 3 loops, for a grand total of 6.8 miles, and I did!

Once again I ran with Scott (of Scott and Alanna fame). We paced each other nicely. We did recovery jogs for the first .6M of the loop, then a 1M pickup for the remainder. My splits were great:

1M warm-up: 10.28
.6M recovery: 5.22
1M pickup: 9.54
.6M recovery: 6.07
1M pickup: 9.33
.6M recovery: 6.25
1M pickup: 9.19
1M cool down: 12.10

Total: 6.8M in 1:09.21! That's probably the best run I've had since I started training!

We talked about the Westchester bike route before last night's session. The elevation profile is posted on the race web site. I'm a little worried about it. It's maybe not quite as bad as Danbury was, but looks like there are some biggish hills in the first 10 miles or so.


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