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Thursday, September 09, 2004


I am anxious.

Last night, I barely slept. I kept having dreams - dreams about transition areas, dreams about BRicks, dreams about next weekend (in which I'm doing a 4M race on Saturday then the Danskin tri on Sunday). I woke up this morning feeling entirely unrested. It doesn't help that almost every time after I swim, I am completely congested, and spend most of the night sneezing and blowing my nose. Ugh. I also went to bed with wet hair, and that, combined with fallout from Hurricane Frances, made for a rather damp sleeping experience.

On my to-do list: Get a decent night's sleep.

I'm also anxious because the next three weekends are completely booked. This weekend I have a hard BRick workout on Saturday (15-18M bike + 6M run), then the NYC Century Bike Ride on Sunday. Next weekend are the aforementioned races, and the following weekend is Westchester.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stress, worry and so forth are sometimes a sign of the times. For a free MP3 that really helps release the presure and anxiety, go to www.mindmint.com. Use their pull down menu under free downloads. Thanks for the blog.

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear and stress go hand in hand. Thanks for the blog and take a look or should I say, try the free MP3 subliminal at www.innertalk.com/mp3.html#free because it really works for me.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Stressors, burn out, worry, anxiety, all that stuff is all too often just a sign of our times. For some free relief, try the free subliminal MP3 at www.mindmint.com. It really works for me!


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