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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Anti-Rain Dance

I believe I am cursed.

When I ran the 5M race in August, it poured.

Torrential rain forced the cancellation of the swim at Danbury.

I have 3 races (Fitness Magazine 4M, Danskin Sprint Tri, and Westchester) scheduled in the next 2 weeks, and rain is forecast for all of them.

Word on the street is, since Westchester is a major qualifying race, the organizers will not want to cancel the swim. I guess that's good. Biking in the rain is a little scary at best, and I can't imagine it in a race situation. Ugh.

In the good news, I am planning a trip home in October, and I'm going to run the Oktoberfest 10k while I'm there. Seems I'm hooked on these things!


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