Occasion already passed!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Congratulations Nicole!

Nicole's triathlon was today! I haven't heard an update yet, but I'm sure she kicked some serious ass! Watch her blog for updates...

As Nicole was doing the real thing this morning, I completed a final hard BRick before Westchester. We met this morning shortly after 7am in Central Park. It was a gorgeous day - probably around 70 degrees, and mostly sunny. I had a great sleep last night, too, so I was ready to race! We started out with a :10 OAB warmup jog, then push-ups to exhaustion to simulate the swim. Then 18M (3 loops) biking, followed by 6M (1 loop) running.

I forgot to start my watch as I headed out on the first bike leg, but the second took just over :22 and the third was around :24. That puts me at a 4min/M pace, which isn't great, but doesn't totally suck. My run this morning kicked ass, though. I completed 6.2M in 1:02! Straight off the bike, including Harlem Hill! I was thrilled about that, and I'm more convinced that I can do the run at Westchester in <1 hour if I push myself.

Tomorrow morning I'll bike to Kari's for the NYC Century Bike Tour, of which we're doing 55M. I'm doing yoga in the afternoon, and if I'm feeling particularly ambitious, I'll swim in the evening.

I feel great about my training, and my readiness for Westchester.


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